
The "art" of selecting the best candidates to your team

How to build dream QA team

The "art" of selecting the best candidates to your team

How to build dream QA team
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    36 минут
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О чем это видео?
Hiring great candidates for your great team is not easy, but taking some points into consideration you can make it not so stressful both for team lead and a candidate. When you think about your team culture, you can guess how candidate can fit it further. Konstantinos shares his experience in building QA teams and talks about some tricky things concerning the hiring process.
Что вы узнаете из этой лекции:
  • What aspects to consider when seeking a QA team member
  • What is team from the point of team leader
  • What aspects of candidates are overrated by most of team leaders
  • What can destroy teams
  • How to avoid building a toxic environment inside the team
  • How to verify that someone can fit the culture of your team
Konstantinos Chourmousis
Lead SQA Analyst at Mindgeek
Konstantinos has experience in both manual and automated testing and currently leads a team of 9 QA, divided into 3 subgroups.

He worked as QA at Amdocs (Limassol) and in Athens (Greece) in various companies: European Dynamics (government projects), Intrasoft (EU projects), Advantage (digital banking solutions).
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